Mini Art Journal | Page 1

Hello everyone,

I hope you are having a great weekend. It's the holiday season but Christmas is not my festival. I am treating this time for organising myself better, and shopping (oh the sale!), and of course, crafting. You know how you find things long lost while organising and you even get crazy good ideas for using it all of a sudden. That's what happened when I found a handmade journal a friend gifted long ago. I decided to turn it into a mini art journal:

I try my brush lettering on these pages. For the background, I have used acrylic colours. They work amazingly well on this handmade paper.

This is sort of my happy book. All the quotes are dear to me. So, DO WHAT MAKES YOUR SOUL HAPPY. I am still a novice at brush lettering. I hope you like my effort.

Thanks for stopping by.
Have an awesome week ahead.


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